Family Fun Night

Come out for fun and games (and hopefully no rain!) on April 29 from 4:30-6:30 PM. The staff parking lot will become a giant canvas for sidewalk chalk with bubbles to fill the air and outdoor games like frisbee, kickball, and bags, or any other game you may want to bring to play.

There will be tables set up for a book exchange so please bring any children’s books that you may have read one too many times and see if you can find a new book to read when you get home so the fun can continue after the event ends!

We will have ice cream bars in hopes of warm-ish weather. We hope to see you there! This is not a school-sponsored event. Rain date is May 6.

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The PTA Needs You!

The PTA Needs You!

The PTA is striving to become a Platinum Level PTA! To do that, we need your support. Membership dues are only $10 and...