PTA Board Members and
Committee List 2024-2025

PTA Executive Committee and Responsibilities


2024-2026: Ande Ngola

  • Presides at all meetings of the Executive Board and the General PTA
  • Sits on the School Leadership Team
  • One of the two check signors responsible for assisting the treasurer in money management
  • Represents and supports all Westmore PTA and school events
  • Serves as a liaison between administration and the PTA or staff and the PTA as needed
  • Works closely with other board positions and committee chairs to handle all programs and events provided by the PTA

Vice President

2022-2024: Caisey Schneider

The primary function of a vice president is to be prepared to preside at meetings in the absence of the president or upon their inability to serve. If the president should resign, the vice president assumes the president’s duties until the position is filled in accordance with the bylaws. Therefore, the vice president should have all the qualities and qualifications of the president.


2023-2025: Taryn Mueller

  • Serves on the Executive Board and assumes all responsibilities including volunteering when needed as well as other duties as called on by the President
  • Handles the General Funds of the Association thereby keeping full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements as well as preparing and delivering monthly reports to the Executive Board and annual reports and ledgers to the external auditor
  • Knowledge of bookkeeping, finance, or accounting a plus but not required
  • Prepares and monitors an annual budget with officers
  • Prepares and distributes all disbursements
  • Deposits all earned income into the PTA bank account
  • Ensures compliance with tax, regulatory, non-profit and insurance laws
  • Ensures that tax letters for Capital Campaign are sent
  • Keeps an accurate and cumulative list of all donors throughout the year, and across events.  This includes cash and in-kind donations with amounts, dates and all necessary contact information.
  • Speaks to the state of the budget at general PTA meetings
  • Oversees Committee Chairs thereby giving budgetary status updates at the Executive Board meetings


2023-2025: Rachel Fowler

  • Serves on the Executive Board and assumes all responsibilities including volunteering when needed as well as other duties as called on by the President
  • Types and distributes Executive Board Meeting minutes
  • Takes minutes at the General PTA Committee meetings
  • Ensures critical documents are maintained properly
  • Enters new PTA members into MemberHub as necessary

PTA Committees and Responsibilities

Back to School Bash

Chair Member: Carson Simek
(August or September)

Coordinate ice cream bar purchase. Coordinate simple outdoor games, sidewalk chalk and bubbles for families to get-together.

Back to School Pool Party Paradise Bay

Chair Member: Ande Ngola

Coordinate with Park District detail.

Book Fair

Chair Member: Taryn Mueller 
(Teacher Conferences, Spring Event)

Work with book fair vendor on coordinating delivery and amount of books and cash registers


Chair Member: Raquel Mahoney
(Year Round)

The Communications Director oversees all direct communications from Westmore PTA. They will work closely with the Executive Committee of the PTA Board to ensure consistent, appropriate communication from the Westmore PTA.

  • Produce and send the PTA’s monthly newsletter and additional email communications as requested.
  • Responsible for updating content at the Westmore PTA website & and works closely with the Social Media Chair.
  • Responsible for the creation and/or maintenance of an email contact list to be used by the Westmore PTA for the purposes of communicating with Westmore families and staff. 
  • Assist the Treasurer (primary administrator) with social media administration, including Facebook, Twitter, Website & MemberHub (news, directory, calendar, volunteer signups, stores, etc.). Officers are members by default, but others are welcome & appreciated!

May be divided among several co-chairs

End of Year Bash

Chair Member: Carson Simek
(Late Spring)

Coordinate ice cream bar purchase with Dairy Queen coordinate with Book Fair chair

Family Game Night

Chair Member: Ande Ngola 
(Twice a year)

Family Game Night is a free event to get the family out of the house during the cold winter nights. Volunteers will help choose the games, lead the games, help with crowd control, and help wherever needed.

Family Reading Night

Chair Member: Vacant

Solicit teachers, staff and parents to be featured readers; coordinate hot chocolate station

Fifth Grade

Chair Member: Carson Simek
(Year Round/Spring)

Help make this year special for our graduating class. Coordinate the 5th grade End of School Bash, field trip with teachers and school secretary; collect money from students. Coordinate locker decorations, etc.


Chair Member: Vacant

Coordinates the fundraising needed through out the school year. Identifies external sources of support, e.g. sponsors, grants, employer match programs.

Giving Tree/Wrapping Party

Chair Member: Kris Castaldi and Taryn Mueller

Coordinate with the school social worker to gather a list of families and gifts. Organize online gift donation sign-up sheet. Plan a Gift Wrapping Party.

Kindergarten / 1st Grade Social

Chair Member: Taylor Thinnes
(Early Fall)

Book the venue and set the date for the social. Plan an activity and snacks. Send out flyers and work closely with the communications team.

Math Contest

Chair Members: Kelsey Gibney
(3 times a year + awards assembly)

Register in the fall; schedule and coordinate contests; submit results online; presents awards


Chair Member: Jacqueline Luna-Montes
(Year Round)

In addition to enrolling parents, teachers, staff, and other potential members, each PTA should have a continuing year-round effort to involve and recruit new members. The membership chairman should be certain that the treasurer sends the first dues payment to the state office by October 1st to remain in good standing, and that dues are submitted each month thereafter.

  • Be knowledgeable about the accomplishments of the PTA at your school, and well informed on PTA objectives and activities.
  • Know and be able to describe where the money goes from PTA dues. Know how they are distributed among the local, state, and National levels of PTA.
  • Set goals that are realistic and that are supported by the Executive Board.
  • Develop a campaign and calendar of activities for the entire year.
  • Have promotional materials and membership cards available at ALL PTA sponsored functions.
  • Invite former board members and presidents to renew their membership – only paid members may serve as officers and chairpersons.
  • Be aware of membership achievement awards which are offered at each level of PTA and meet the report deadlines for these awards.
  • Submit reports at every board and general meeting and whenever specified by the local unit. Ensure the final dues payment is sent in by June 25th along with any left over PTA membership cards. Every card must be accounted for!

Movie Night

Chair Member: Nikki Sheehan
(3 times a Year)

Pick movies, buy popcorn and boxes as needed; organize volunteers for door admission and crowd control

Restaurant Night

Chair Member: Carson Simek
(All School Year)

Coordinate and advertise at least 4 restaurant nights but up to one per month (ex: 2nd Wednesday of each month)

School Pictures

Chair Member: Kendra Risley

Books school pictures with outside company, workds with vendor on retakes

School Supply Kits

Chair Member: Kelsey Gibney

Coordinates with teachers to make sure lists are submitted to company; submits flyers and ordering instructions; coordinates delivery of kits before meet-the-teacher

STEM Night

Chair Member: Vacant

Plan experiments; prepare flyers; book date

Spirit Wear

Chair Member: Nikki Sheehan
(Year Round)

Work with vendor on Westmore shirts, pants, shorts, etc. in late spring/summer; submit monthly sales reports to treasurer; provide sizing samples at events

Staff Appreciation

Chair Members: Kendra Risley
(Teacher Conferences; Late Spring)

Coordinates volunteers to bake/cook for pot-luck for teachers during conferences and during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, sets up and cleans up at the end of day.

Trunk or Treat

Chair Members: Kris Castaldi, Kelsey Gibney, and Carson Simek

Create a sign-up sheet for Trunk or Treat participants; find people or groups to donate candy; help cars to their parking spots; manage the PTA booth and Trunk or Treat Vote; set up and clean up at the end of the day.


Chair Member: Rachel Fowler and Raquel Mahoney
(Year Round/Spring)

Coordinate to have pictures from all Westmore events; design pages; work with printer on compiling final book; create flyers and coordinate payments

Sign Up for a Committee

If you’re interested in joining a committee, click the link below. If you have a question about any of the committees or about starting a new one, contact Ande Ngola at

Volunteer Form