President and Vice President Needed Fall 2024!

The Westmore PTA will be looking for a new president and vice president for the next school year. Both positions are a two-year term. If you are interested or have questions, email Rachel Fowler at

We also need volunteers for the following events and committees: Coin Race, Family Game Night, Family Reading Night, Communications, Staff Appreciation, and Yearbook. Email Carson Simek at to sign up and volunteer!

What Else Are We Up To?

Movie Night is February 21!

Movie Night is February 21!

Tickets go on sale soon! Mark your calendars for Westmore PTA’s Movie Night on February 21st from 6:30-8:30pm in the school gym, featuring “Wild Robot”! Tickets are $6 each, sold online only, and usually sell out quickly—stay tuned for the flyer coming home soon.