Whether you’re a new family or more seasoned, we all need a refresher sometimes on what’s happening at Westmore. Everything you need to know from what time school starts, to how does lunch work you can find here. 

What do I need (and need to know) for the first day of school?

  1. Students allowed in the building at 8:05 am.
  2. Students who arrive before 8:05 am will line up outside 3 feet apart.
  3. Backpack.
  4. Water bottle.
  5. Mask
  6. Lunch box if bringing lunch from home, otherwise all students have the option of the free hot lunch. 
  7. Label items for personal use (headphones, extra clothes, folders, etc).

When does school start and end each day?
The bell rings at 8:05am every morning. Students line up at this time and their teacher will meet them and bring them into the building.
School ends at 2:30pm every day except Wednesday when dismissal is at 12:30pm.  

​What happens if we’re late? 
​If you arrive after 8:15am, your student will be marked as tardy.

What if my student will be absent?
Please notify the school. You can call (630) 516-7866. It’s a good idea to notify your teacher via email as well. 

What about after school care?
There are many after school programs available.  Some options are listed below.
Y Kids:  Offered Monday through Friday at the school from 2:30-6:00pm. 

Offered at another location:
York Center Park District
  Register for one to five days per week.  Bussing available from Westmore. They also offer a drop-in program for middle schoolers.

How do I know what’s going on at Westmore?

  • This website!  The home page will be continually updated and will be your one-stop-shop for what’s happening. 
  • The school webpage  
  • The district webpage 
  • Facebook: The Westmore PTA Page 
  • Twitter: @D45Westmore #WestmoreWildcats You can find retweets from teachers, community news, district news and up to the minute Westmore news and pictures.  


  • ​Weekly email newsletters: Mr. Dart sends out a weekly email with important school events and reminders. You can subscribe HERE.
  • What’s Up At Westmore: A bi-weekly email from the PTA. This is a more comprehensive email with events, reminders and PTA sponsored programs.  Subscribe HERE.
  • Weekly email newsletters from Mr. Dart