What do I need (and need to know) for the first day of school?
- Students allowed in the building at 8:05 am.
- Students who arrive before 8:05 am will line up outside 3 feet apart.
- Backpack.
- Water bottle.
- Mask
- Lunch box if bringing lunch from home, otherwise all students have the option of the free hot lunch.
- Label items for personal use (headphones, extra clothes, folders, etc).
When does school start and end each day?
The bell rings at 8:05am every morning. Students line up at this time and their teacher will meet them and bring them into the building.
School ends at 2:30pm every day except Wednesday when dismissal is at 12:30pm.
What happens if we’re late?
If you arrive after 8:15am, your student will be marked as tardy.
What if my student will be absent?
Please notify the school. You can call (630) 516-7866. It’s a good idea to notify your teacher via email as well.
What about after school care?
There are many after school programs available. Some options are listed below.
Y Kids: Offered Monday through Friday at the school from 2:30-6:00pm.
Offered at another location:
York Center Park District Register for one to five days per week. Bussing available from Westmore. They also offer a drop-in program for middle schoolers.
How do I know what’s going on at Westmore?
- This website! The home page will be continually updated and will be your one-stop-shop for what’s happening.
- The school webpage
- The district webpage
- Facebook: The Westmore PTA Page
- Twitter: @D45Westmore #WestmoreWildcats You can find retweets from teachers, community news, district news and up to the minute Westmore news and pictures.
- Weekly email newsletters: Mr. Dart sends out a weekly email with important school events and reminders. You can subscribe HERE.
- What’s Up At Westmore: A bi-weekly email from the PTA. This is a more comprehensive email with events, reminders and PTA sponsored programs. Subscribe HERE.
- Weekly email newsletters from Mr. Dart